Engineer, Designer, Innovator
Skærmbillede 2019-02-22 kl. 09.38.32.png

Digital UX

Collection of app design projects


 Time of Execution


Design Team

Camilla Arndt Hansen, Christine Dahl-Petersen, Emma Kylvåg, Martin Kristensen, Frederik C.V. Hansen


Digital design, user story mapping, Lean Business Model Canvas, wireframes, mobile apps, POP app

Landing Pages

By highlighting your offering’s value proposition in the simplest possible terms and providing a clear call-to-action, e.g. “sign up here”, the landing page serves as an effective inbound marketing and lead generation tool.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is a simple and dynamic tool for understanding how your business “works”, i.e. how your product offering solves problems for your customers and converts this differentiated value-add into revenue streams.

User Story Mapping

The User Story Map represents the user’s experience when moving through the application, illustrated as a series of high-level activities and lower-level tasks to be completed. The map serves as a product backlog for developers to prioritise basic functionalities for the market-entry MVP and additional functions for future releases.


The Storyboard is a visual illustration of the interaction between the user and the application. It consist of a series of wireframes, e.g. mobile phone interfaces, that are connected via triggers, rules and feedback. These microinteractions determine how the user’s actions are translated into happenings in the interface.

POP Prototyping

We used POP as a simple and effective prototyping tool.